Well It's 2010 and the start of a new year always bring Resolutions, now I've not done them for many years, but being self employed I thought I should probably have some this year but revolve them around the business rather than myself...(although I may throw a few personal ones in)
I'm a bit OCD with my life, I like structure and to know where I'm going and what I'm doing, I don't think I cope to well with the 'black hole' type future... never knowing what/where you're heading to! So maybe I can use these as goals/targets for my year and try to make sure that atleast half the list is done by the summer and the rest by the end of the year!!
1. Shoot my first Front Cover
2. Follow things through to the END
3. Complete one Creative Editorial Shoot a Month
4. Use Assistants more
5. Create more interesting behind the scenes blogs/videos/photos etc
6. Treasure every moment I get to spend with my amazing girlfriend!!!!
7. Take NOTHING for Granted!
8. Blog More
9. Finally get my Website live
10. Go on holiday
11. Get at least 3 Awesome Publications
12. Strive to be the best photographer I can be, always learning and developing!!!
13. Help photography students who ask me for advice/help more!
14. Expand my networks
15. Keep on top of my Finances/Admin
16. Have FUN
17. Be HAPPY with myself as I am
18. Find new clients outside of the UK to get more work based travel done
I think that's it for my list! I'm sure I could go on AND on AND on... lol, but for the time being those are the things I want to make happen in 2010!!
Do you have any resolutions, I was inspired by my Photography Partner in Crime, Cecilie Harris and her Blog!! you should all check her out she's awesome!!
Adam... :)
P.S I have a limited offer to all of my followers for January 2010 shoots with big discounts and Extra EDITS, so get in touch if you want to book a DISCOUNTED PORTFOLIO PACKAGE